An MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) was signed between Abdul Monem Economic Zone Ltd(AMEZL) and Tokyo Sourcing Co. Ltd. on 5th October at Monem Business District,Corporate Office of Abdul Monem Ltd.

An MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) was signed between Abdul Monem Economic Zone Ltd(AMEZL) and Tokyo Sourcing Co. Ltd. on 5th October at Monem Business District,Corporate Office of Abdul Monem Ltd. Mr. ASM Mainuddin Monem, Managing Director of AMEZL and Mr. MD.Tuhin, President and Mr. Yuchi Yamada, Direcor of Tokyo Sourcing signed the MoU on behaf of their resepective companies. Under this MoU Tokyo Sourcing will provide technical support and JV partners to AMEZL for developing the Waste Water Treatment Plant(WWTP) and Jetty for the zone.